Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Need a snack?? Try some nuts!

Did you know, that those who eat the most nuts tend to have some of the lowest body mass indexes (a measure of overweight). Do you know the "coolest" part about Almonds... They did a study that compared two groups of dieters eating the same number of calories; one group ate 520 of their calories from almonds and lost more weight. The research is indicating that almond cell walls may partially limit the amount of dietary fat available for digestion or absorption, so it's possible the a small portion of the calories from almonds are not fully absorbed.** (Awesome, huh?!)
Almonds are a "Super-Food", what's not to love about them.

They lower cholesterol, they are rich in mono saturated fat (that's the good stuff), reduces heart disease, they contain 6g protein in one (yes, that's 1!) ounce, 3g of dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and magnesium.

Almonds are not the only fantastic "nut" out there. You have Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans and Pistachio's.

Here is a guide for how many to eat. Pair any of these AWESOME NUTS with some fruit. Because nuts have hardly ANY carbohydrates in them, it's perfect with fruit (a wonderful carbohydrate)!

Type of Nut & Serving Size: **
Almonds 20-24
Brazil Nuts 6-8
Cashews 16-18
Flaxseeds 2TLB
Hazelnuts 18-20
Macadamias 10-12
Peanuts 28
Pecans 18-20
Pine Nuts 150-157
Pistachios 45-47
Pumpkin Seeds 85 seeds, or 1/2 Cup
Sesame Seeds 1/4 Cup
Walnuts 8-11 halves
Source: www.nuthealth.org and www.calorieking.com

So, have a handful of NUTS! and Enjoy!

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth- By Jonny Bowden
Master Your Metabolism-By Jillian Michaels
**Taken directly from "The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth", by Jonny Bowden
**Nut information taken directly from Jillian Michaels, Master Your Metabolism

Picture taken from:http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DPictures%2Bof%2Balmonds%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dmoz35%26fr2%3Dtab-web&w=465&h=401&imgurl=www.superfoodinfo.net%2Fimages%2Ffoods%2FAlmond.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.superfoodinfo.net%2FInfo.aspx%3FSuperFood%3DAlmond&size=48KB&name=Almond+Super+Foo...&p=Pictures+of+almonds&oid=1a0ef2073067e8f4b40b1ee7676f824e&fr2=tab-web&no=8&tt=36500&sigr=11ngj7fn4&sigi=11d03m8qm&sigb=1300bqc10&.crumb=EbNyXb93Uza

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